Opening by S.H.I.N.E. Muwasi


While President Biden and his allies claim to build towards equity and sustainability, we know that those sitting in the White House do not hold the people’s interests at heart. Throughout the pandemic, this administration has consistently prioritized the interests of developers and big business over the needs of the people

Join us to hear speakers from across the Americas as they uplift the voices of marginalized and working people throughout the hemisphere, sharing a vision for the future of the Americas based in cooperation, solidarity, and the right to live in dignity and well being.

  • S.H.I.N.E Muwasi


    S.H.I.N.E. Muwasi is an African Drum Circle led by Rene Fisher-Mims formed to spread the knowledge of West African drum culture combined with healing, empowerment and inspiration.

  • D'atra Jackson

    United States

    D’atra “Dee Dee” Jackson (she/her) is an organizer, trainer, big sister, godmother of five, and National Director of BYP100. Raised in Southwest Philly, now living in Chicago. While attending grad school in Miami, she became active at the height of the murder of Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman verdict with an organization called Dream Defenders. Since then, Dee Dee has had her hand in efforts and actions such as bringing Participatory Budgeting to Durham, #DurhamBeyondPolicing, Justice for Reefa campaign, Black Mama's/Black August Bail Outs, and some that shouldn't be named. Now, as the National Director of BYP100, she dreams of freedom, future worlds, and building a movement of ungovernable and strategic lovers of Black liberation.

  • Pastor Cue

    United States

    Cue is the Pastor of The Row LA – “The Church Without Walls” in Downtown Los Angeles’ Skid Row community. Pastor Cue is a faith-rooted organizer with Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE), and is co-lead organizer of the Black Jewish Justice Alliance (BJJA) as well as Co-convener of the “We Will Live” Coalition, a Black and Brown Clergy and Community group. A former Virgin Records Artist with the rap group College Boyz, Cue heard a call from God while watching the movie Malcolm X in 1994. Cue’s work revolves around addressing injustice in public policy in Los Angeles.

  • Jean Roach

    Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

    Jean Roach, Mnicoujou Lakota, is an artist, activist, and is co-director of the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee. Jean is a Survivor of the 1975 shoot out in Oglala, South Dakota and has been advocating for Justice and Freedom for Leonard Peltier for the past 47 years!

  • Mikaela Nhondo Erskog

    Mikaela Nhondo Erskog is a researcher and editor at Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and part of Pan Africanism Today Secretariat, which coordinates the regional articulation of the International People's Assembly. She is also part of the No Cold War coordination committee, a peace platform promoting multipolarity and maximum global cooperation, and a member of the Dongsheng collective.

  • Sacha Llorenti

    A message from ALBA TCP

    Sacha Llorenti is the Secretary General of ALBA-TCP, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America. From September 2012 until November 2019 he was the Permanent Representative of Bolivia to the United Nations. He is a published author and past president (for two years) of Bolivia's Permanent Assembly for Human Rights.

  • And Special Guests from Latin America...

  • Brian Becker


    Brian Becker is a central leader of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), the show host of The Socialist Program on Breakthrough News, and National Director of the ANSWER Coalition.