
The People’s Summit is being brought together by a diverse coalition of organizations with the intention of ensuring that the voices of the poor and dispossessed in our hemisphere are heard. Check out our latest press releases and other press updates to learn more about our goals and how our communities are anticipating and gearing up for this convening.

To understand more about the realities and conditions that our people are facing, download our factsheets for basic and essential information about poverty, houselessness, hunger, and other issues that our convening organizations have been addressing locally and nationally.


 Press registration form

If you are interested in covering the People’s Summit, please fill out our registration form here. We are excited to see you in Los Angeles (or virtually!) and we will send you all relevant press releases and information regarding the Summit.



Press Mentions

  • People's Dispatch

    People’s Summit to highlight inequality in face of Biden’s Summit of the Americas — A diverse coalition of US-based organizations is organizing an alternative to the OAS summit, shedding light on inequality and imperialism.

    Read More.

  • Tercera Informacion

    La Cumbre de los Pueblos se celebrará en Los Ángeles en junio de 2022 — Siguiendo la tradición de cada Cumbre de las Américas desde la Cumbre de Mar del Plata de 2005, sindicalistas, activistas, organizaciones de base y personas progresistas de Los Ángeles y de las Américas están convocando a una Cumbre de los Pueblos los días 8, 9 y 10 de junio para contrarrestar la 9ª Cumbre de las Américas, que se celebrará en Los Ángeles, CA.

    Read more.